For each visitor to our Web site, our server recognizes only the consumer's domain name. We review the domain name for internal review and it is thereafter discarded.
If you register for an AAF conference online or offline, or e-mail or otherwise contact us with a request or comment we may use any information provided (including your e-mail, postal, or telephone information) to update already existing databases.
Registration or other information provided may be retained in our databases and used as described below. Registration information also becomes part of an "attendee list" which is provided to all conference attendees. You may request that your information not be retained or utilized by the AAF by notifying us at [email protected].
If you request information or a product or have a complaint and we are unable to respond, your request/complaint may be forwarded to a third party whom we believe can adequately respond. Your request/complaint would be forwarded along with any e-mail, postal, or telephone information you have provided us. The AAF is not responsible for the privacy policy of the third party to whom we forward your request/complaint. We will not forward your request if you ask that we not do so.
The AAF compiles lists from our database for communications and marketing purposes. We sometimes provide that information to AAF affinity partners whom we believe provide goods and/or services that might be useful. You may have your name removed from shared lists by communicating this request to us.
Our Web site has links to many other Web sites. While we encourage high standards of privacy among our members and partners, we cannot be responsible for the content of those sites or the privacy practices of other organizations.
We make every reasonable effort to insure that all information in our database remains accurate and complete and that all information is protected from unauthorized access and use. AAF staff is directed to forward all concerns to the AAF staffer responsible for our Web site.
If you register for an AAF conference online or offline, or e-mail or otherwise contact us with a request or comment we may use any information provided (including your e-mail, postal, or telephone information) to update already existing databases.
Registration or other information provided may be retained in our databases and used as described below. Registration information also becomes part of an "attendee list" which is provided to all conference attendees. You may request that your information not be retained or utilized by the AAF by notifying us at [email protected].
If you request information or a product or have a complaint and we are unable to respond, your request/complaint may be forwarded to a third party whom we believe can adequately respond. Your request/complaint would be forwarded along with any e-mail, postal, or telephone information you have provided us. The AAF is not responsible for the privacy policy of the third party to whom we forward your request/complaint. We will not forward your request if you ask that we not do so.
The AAF compiles lists from our database for communications and marketing purposes. We sometimes provide that information to AAF affinity partners whom we believe provide goods and/or services that might be useful. You may have your name removed from shared lists by communicating this request to us.
Our Web site has links to many other Web sites. While we encourage high standards of privacy among our members and partners, we cannot be responsible for the content of those sites or the privacy practices of other organizations.
We make every reasonable effort to insure that all information in our database remains accurate and complete and that all information is protected from unauthorized access and use. AAF staff is directed to forward all concerns to the AAF staffer responsible for our Web site.